Best Career Options After Graduation
Considering your passion, skills and financial goals, among others and choose an option that may be relevant in future, it is very important to know the opportunities available after graduation especially in India. This article will help you to know and understand the options available in the market.
Be always after success till you will not achieve it!

Let's get started!
Campus Placement in Core Companies
On-Campus Placement
The companies come to your institute/university and recruit the deserving students who are near to completion of their respective courses/degrees. So, you will have the job by the time you will receive the bachelor degree.
Its a very good option as it reduces the time and efforts of the students in finding their desired jobs at an individual level.
The option to choose among the job offers is very high in IITs/NITs, so IIT/NIT students have the flexibility to choose the job offer on the basis of package (CTC), type of company, location, perks and much more. And this quality and quantity goes down for the state level colleges.
And this recruitment procedure works differently institute to institute and university to university. For example, a company hires one student from the IIT/NIT and another from the state level college/university for the same post and they will have the different package.
Here you will need reasoning & assessment, good communication skills, take charge behaviour, confidence and grip on technical concepts.
Off-Campus Placement
This mode of career is tough and time-consuming than On-Campus. Here you will have to be patient.
There are lot of online platforms to keep yourself updated like LinkedIn. Make a professional profile on it including relevant work experience, skills, certifications, etc. These things will convince the recruiter that you a genuine candidate. Keep your resume and social media handles updated.
Subscribe to job opening alerts on the basis of your desired role at LinkedIn, Google Jobs, Indeed, Monster, Naukri, Twitter, Telegram accounts, etc. Now a days you can upload your resume/CV on the company website and can subscribe their job notification also. They will notify you on the basis of vacancies and requirements.
Word-of-mouth plays a very important role now-a-days in companies and industries. So, keep increasing your professional connectivity.
The most important formula to get placed in Off-Campus is to APPLY, APPLY, APPLY.
We have video also on this topic.
PSU means Public Sector Undertaking that provide core jobs with awesome salary, free medical insurance, accommodation and job security. These are dream companies of many students in their college life.
These are government owned companies (>=51% shares) in India. They have been classified in 3 categories - Maharatna, Navratna and Miniratna.
In mostly cases, they recruit through GATE (Graduate Aptitude Exam in Engineering) exam. In few cases they have direct selection process also by conducting their own written exam and interview.
Every PSU has their own recruitment eligibility criteria like age, educational qualification, etc.
Technical and management skills are the core strengths of any company. Having both the qualities give you the privilege to access more jobs in the business world. So, pursuing MBA after graduation is a very good decision.
MBA stands for Master of Business Administration and its a 2 years course. Bachelor degree holders from any stream can opt for MBA.
Right course selection in MBA is very important if your career objective is to manage a team of technicians.
This option can also help you in startups. Technical, finance and business management skills are beneficial for entrepreneurs.
There are many top institutes in India including IIMs, Xavier School of management, SPJIMR, etc.
Research Assistant
Being a research assistant is a good career if you are planning for Ph.D.
Professors and scientists do research on big projects in colleges, universities and national/international labs. And to perform experiments and data-gathering for those projects, they hire research assistants (RA).
The RAs are guided by the head of the research projects and they can be Professors/Scientists/Postdocs/PhD Scholars.
The duties of the RA is to collect data, calibrate lab equipments on regular basis, design and perform experiments and collaborate with lab technicians to perform experiments.
The average monthly salary is around 25,000INR to 30,000INR. In some cases it can be more also. You can also get research papers which will help you in getting admission in Masters and PhD in a reputed institute throughout the world.
RA is a type of job in research sector, so you will get an experience letter at the end. Working in a good lab like in IITs, NITs, CSIR, etc as RA for a year is sufficient to get job in companies or PhD in abroad with the help of Professor/Scientist recommendation.
The vacancies are normally posted on official lab page, official institute page, LinkedIn, Google Jobs, Indeed, Monster, Naukri, Twitter, etc. So, keep yourself subscribed on these platforms for regular updates.
For this post you will need proficiency in microsoft office, ability to work alone and with the team, GATE qualified if possible or work experience, excellent communication skills and perform ethical research.
Higher Studies (Masters and PhD)
Higher studies is for whose who are interested in research, see themselves as Professors or Scientists and want "Doctor" in their name.
In this career zone, everyday will be a new day with new tasks and experiences. PhD scholars bring knowledge into existence for the very first time. They are creator of knowledge.
You can apply for MS, MTech, direct PhD and PhD. The last option is for those who have Masters degree.
The selection criteria includes GATE/NET qualification and interview. There are some norms which change from institute to institute.
MS and MTech students will get scholarship of 12,400INR for 2 years.
Direct PhD and PhD students will get 31,000INR for first 2 years and 35,000INR for next 3 years. And if you will apply for PMRF then the scholarship will be 70,000INR to 80,000INR. All scholarships are on monthly basis.
There are foreign universities also that accept GATE score including NTU, NUS, technical University of Munich and RWTH Aachen University.
Civil Services
This a very viable career option as a government employee for those who wants to serve this country by contributing and improving the country's administration. This type of job offers various benefits like prestige, power, great salary with benefits, international travel and much more.
Now, to be a part of civil servants of India as IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS and other allied services, you will have to crack the Union Public Service Commission(UPSC) exam and interview. There are lot of coaching centres and online preparation material available.
To apply a candidate must be graduate with minimum 21 years age. The upper age limit is 32 years with relaxation for OBC, SC/ST and PH candidates.
Here you can follow your passion.
There is no shortage of unique business in the market. Everyday we see new product or service that will further ease our daily life.
Technical, finance and business management skills are beneficial for entrepreneurs.
All you need is a great idea. Like CRED, Meeho, Udaan, Instamojo, Boat, Livspace, Oyo, MBA chaiwala, thefortunates, etc. Small startups like youtuber, social influencer on Instagram, starting your own website and much more are also doing great.
Starting a company can be a difficult task but one day it be return as reward.
What are your plans?
Campus/Off-campus placement
Higher Studies in Research (Masters, PhD)
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